Mar 22, 2015

Let’s go to Vegas

Like most parents, I’m sure, we have certain things on our TV that are blocked from the kids. The girls are unable to access shows that are PG or a certain length unless they have the ‘secret code’.

The other day, Allison comes to us and says, ‘Just letting you know…I figured out the code and I’m watching Peguins of Madagascar’

Us: Um….um….how did you crack the code?

Her: I just did it.

Needless to say, we now have a different code on the TV.

This morning? She recognized Dick Van Dyke on a commercial. When Tony asked how she knew that was him she says, ‘I remember seeing his name on the credits when we first watched Night at the Museum.’

Tony responds with, ‘So Allison. Want to go to Vegas with me?’

This kid is no joke. She distinctly remembers climbing out of her crib at 16 months and can sort out all kinds of brain teasers and number games. She sat down at her Grandma’s piano last weekend and started playing Beethoven. Never having tried to play it before.

I honestly don’t know what I’m living with here. I’m afraid I’m going to need to up my game.


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  1. Sarah says:

    I have one like that too!! It’s scary!!

  2. Ali Borene says:

    What a cute little freckle face. Love her smile.

  3. katie says:

    Umm, honey. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

    Of course, that whole knowing a celebrity thing is my superpower and look where that got me. 😉